
How to use seed in Stable Diffusion.

Seed is a crucial parameter in Stable Diffusion that initializes the image generation process. Although the seed is randomly generated if not specified, controlling it can be useful for generating reproducible images, experimenting with other parameters, and exploring different prompt variations.

The primary advantage of controlling the seed is that it allows for the generation of multiple images with similar characteristics. This is because generations with the same parameters, prompt, and seed will always produce precisely the same images.

For example, using the base prompt "a portrait of a male anime character" and a seed of "3132605689", we can modify the generated images by changing the words in the prompt while keeping the other parameters constant. This approach enables us to generate several variations of the same image that share a consistent style and quality.

As we observe, adding a single word that defines emotion changes the facial expression of the male anime character while maintaining the visual features like hair, clothes, and background.

We can take it a step further and use the same seed value to alter the entire image's appearance. For example, we can generate "a professional photo of a mountain landscape" with four different types of weather, all using the same seed value.

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