Negative prompt

How to use negative prompts in Stable Diffusion.

Stable Diffusion has a negative prompt parameter that instructs the model not to include specific elements in the generated images. When a negative prompt is provided, the model is guided to avoid generating certain things, styles, or image abnormalities based on the given text.

By including a negative prompt, it's possible to prevent certain objects or characteristics from appearing in the final image. Examples of this can include avoiding certain colors, shapes, or objects altogether.

To illustrate the effect of a negative prompt, let's compare images generated with and without negative prompts applied.


A serene beach with crystal-clear waters, soft white sand, and gentle waves lapping at the shore. The sky above should be a clear blue with a few fluffy white clouds, and there should be a warm sun shining down on the beachgoers.

Negative Prompt:



front view of an appetizing burger takes center stage in this professional catalog-style food photograph, front view, enhanced by a lively burst of confetti raining down

Negative Prompt:


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